UV Underbench Water Steriliser - Bug Buster Pro Series - Opal

UV Underbench Water Steriliser - Bug Buster Pro Series - Opal

Viqua VT1 Ultraviolet system made by Viqua, Canada

Viqua is the worlds largest UV manufacturer, commonly known in Australia by the Sterilight and Trojan brand names.

* Completely assembled system.

* 10 inch Standard size, 100% Polypropylene housings made materials complying with NSF/ANSI Standard 42 and carrying a 5 Year structural warranty.

* 1 x 1micron Alpine Pure Gradient Density Polyspun pre-filter, complying with NSF/ANSI Standard 42.

* 1 x Granulated Activated Carbon final cartridge for taste and odour reduction, complying with NSF/ANSI Standard 42.

* 15mm BSP ports on UV. * Regency Ceramic Disc Faucet.

* 15mm water take off fitting and ¼ inch Polyethylene Tube, complying with NSF/ANSI Standard 42.

* 240 volt Australian power plug without the 365 day countdown.

* The UV1 unit has a 4 LPM flow rate making it perfect for installation underbench or undersink to provide a bacteria safe water source.

* This system is available as 12 volt DC for Boats, Solar and Mobile Homes.

Dimensions - Height:460mm (add extra 30mm to enable filter change), Depth:150mm, Width:340mm (including hose and power cable)

AU$ 649.00
AU$ 559.00 including GST
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Purchase Qty:

Click Here for BUG PRO OPAL replacement parts Service Kit.

Do Not Position the UV unit where it could become Frozen.

Do Not Allow Water Hammer or Pressure over 90 PSI.

Do Not Wet The Lamp. 

Always Place under a suitable weather cover if used outdoors.

Always Use a Water Proof External Power Supply Outlet if used outdoors.

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